With about a quarter of its 109.2 million population (24%) living in poverty, Ethiopia is hard hit by the econ…
Pankras is a field worker for the Yayasan Embun Pelangi (YEP), a Terre des Hommes partner in Indonesia. He is…
Kaveri is a 17-year-old girl from Karnataka, India. When she was 15-years old, she had a love affair with a bo…
Staying at home is dangerous for Emelda: when she goes home, she will get mutilated. Vulnerable children, like…
MANILA, PHILIPPINES – The Girls Advocacy Alliance, a group of non-government organizations promoting equal rig…
Retno Ekaresti Permatasari or “Eka” is a social worker from Yayasan Embun Pelangi (YEP), Terre des Hommes Neth…