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Dutch aid organizations start fundraising for emergancy relief for Ukraine people

February 28th, 2022

Dutch Aid agencies like the rest of the world are deeply concerned about the impact of the large-scale hostilities in Ukraine on the country's inhabitants. They have started a nation wide fundraising campaign by opening Giro555 (bankaccount555). Ukrainians are seeking protection in neighboring countries en masse. More than half a million people have now fled the country. Families have been separated from each other. For those who stay behind, the situation is life-threatening and extremely uncertain. They urgently need our help.

Giro555 Samen in actie voor Oekraïne
Giro555 Samen in actie voor Oekraïne

Humanitarian needs are huge

For 44 million Ukrainians, recent developments threaten to turn into a humanitarian disaster. Help is vital for each and every one of them. The cooperating aid organizations are joining forces and calling on the whole of the Netherlands to take joint action for Ukraine. "Giro555 calls on the Netherlands to donate for the men, women and children who are hard hit by the events in Ukraine," says Kees Zevenbergen, action chairman of Giro555. "The need is unprecedented. There is a need for immediate emergency aid, such as shelter, medical care and clean drinking water. For millions of Ukrainians, including 7.5 million children, nothing is certain anymore. They depend on humanitarian aid and need our support now." The money raised can provide them with life-saving emergency aid.

Medical, financial and psychological aid
The aid organizations behind Giro555 are present in the area themselves or through local partners. They offer direct emergency aid, such as medical care, food, shelter and psychosocial assistance. Many tens of millions of euros are needed to realize this. The promised financial aid from, among others, the Dutch government and the EU is not expected to be sufficient to help the Ukrainians now and in the future. Donations can be made through Giro555, see also the website www.giro555.nl. The action of Giro555 is supported by the public and commercial radio and television broadcasters. NPO, RTL and Talpa/SBS are broadcasting commercials for the humanitarian needs of the Ukrainians starting at 6:00 am Tuesday morning.

Organizations behind Giro555  
In the event of exceptional disasters, the 11 collaborating aid organizations join forces under the name Giro555. They ask the entire Netherlands to join them in order to raise money to help victims. Together we can save more lives. These are the aid organizations behind this Giro555 action: Stichting Vluchteling, Cordaid, CARE Nederland, Kerk in Actie, Oxfam Novib, Save the Children, UNICEF, Nederlandse Rode Kruis, Plan International Nederland, Terre des Hommes and World Vision

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