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Narin (12) was the victim of a sex-tourist

December 6th, 2019

Narin is 12 years old. He has a shiny bicycle on which he merrily rides through the streets of his residence Siem Reap in Cambodia.

Young boy holding up a puppy
Terre des Hommes | Wij strijden tegen kinderuitbuiting. Strijd mee.

However, appearances can be deceiving. He received that bicycle from an American tourist. A man that bought him nice things, took him out to eat and supported his family economically. A man that also sexually abused the, at that time, 10 year old Narin.

Thankfully, the abuse was discovered and the man was arrested.

Child sex tourism: Dealing with a terrible experience

Narin is now working with a social worker, who is helping him to cope with the horrible experience. His family is also receiving support to ensure that this does not happen again.

Narin wants to be the captain of a boat. With the guidance he is receiving, he is working hard on his regaining confidence. Confidence in the future, confidence to realize his dream.

Sexual exploitation by western tourists on the rise

Children in lands like Cambodia, Thailand and Indonesia are increasingly faced with sexual exploitation by western tourists. We fight child exploitation. Join our fight! 

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