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Ravy Building a Path for Change

October 23rd, 2020

Ravy Yun is a Project Officer of Terre des Hommes Netherlands in Mondulkiri Province, Cambodia. As a member of the community, she is obligated in making a change.

Ravy, ECM project officer, MDK, Cambodia
Ravy, ECM project officer, MDK, Cambodia

I want all children to have knowledge and and understanding of the impact of early child marriage and how to stop it

Ravy works on the Early Child Marriage project, which aims to reduce the prevalence of marriage among adolescents through advocacy, education, and awareness raising. 

Over the past three years, she had been working with Indigenous communities. Ravy visits different villages to raise awareness on reproductive and sexual health, and coordinate with local authorities to identify children who are vulnerable to abuse and violence. 

In addition to her other responsibilities, she also supports children to create child clubs. These clubs allow children to have their own voice and spread awareness about issues in their communities. 

Working at Terre des Hommes Netherlands, Ravy had learned different values.

Care, Clarity, Commitment, and Collaboration

These values have been the core of her work and her team. 

She said, “We always engage and consult with youth volunteers, vulnerable children, families, and young couples. These relationships are vital in understanding the root causes of child marriage and building trusts in the work that we do”.

Ravy’s hope for the future is bright in Cambodia where children lead the path for change. She added, “I want to see children be able to be empowered and advocate for their own rights such as their rights to be safe from violence and abuse. They should be free from following traditional gender roles and social norms”.

Ravy manages to work despite the limitations that the COVID-19 pandemic had caused. By following government guidelines, she is able to conduct activities for children and provide them with E-learning materials so that they can continue their education. 

She continues to coordinate with other organizations to provide awareness posters to avoid the spread of the virus and provide dry rations to those in need.

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