Rosia is 10 years old and lives in a small village in Madagascar. She lives with her single mom (39 years) and her two younger siblings. Her father left the family when she was a baby. Rosia now attends the third year in primary school. Before that, she was working in the mica mines with her mother. The school that already existed in the village, received support from Terre des Hommes Netherlands as of January 2022: with school bags, books, materials and (part of) the teachers’ income. The village also receives support from the Dutch Relief Alliance: food that is divided among the families and served as lunch in the school canteen.
Rosia starts saying: “I get up at 6am, and then first wash my face. Then we eat some breakfast: cactus, fruit or maize. After that, I help my mother do the dishes, light the fire, and cook. Then, before I go to school, I play a bit with my friends football and all kinds of ball games”. Rosia goes to school from 12.30 pm to 16.00 pm. She says she really likes school, and likes every subject she learns. “I want to learn more and be smarter: school helps me to get to know important things”. Lunch is served during lunchtime around 1 pm, and as there are too many children to fit in the canteen, the group is divided into two smaller groups. “We eat rice, meat, mais, greens, cassava leaves and sweet potato, I like it”.
Rosia used to work in the mine since she was 8 years old. She supported her mother, who has to take care of three children on her own. “I did not like to work in the mine. I was often very tired. And I did not learn anything in the mines. I would always choose to go to school, so I am very happy now”. Rosia received items like a school bag, books and pens. And the daily lunch. She is glad her mother now doesn't have to pay for that.
Rosia knows what she wants to be later: a midwife or a nurse. “I want to help people and especially my mother if she ever gets ill and needs treatment”. Furthermore, she says about the future that she hopes that the food distribution will continue…and that she can be going to school as she loves it.