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Using Audio Drama to Stop Exploitation

March 1st, 2021

Mass gathering is still prohibited at this time in the Philippines. Everyone is still encouraged to stay in their own homes and would only leave for their needs. While they are staying in their homes, some may feel safe while others do not. To continue spreading awareness about important issues, Bidlisiw, one of Terre des Hommes Netherlands’ partners in the Cebu province played educational audio-drama through community loudspeakers.

Audio Drama to Stop Exploitation
Audio Drama to Stop Exploitation

Bidlisiw linked with its partners - 2TinCans and Bisdak Pride are both into theater and helped with formulating the script and recording. 2TinCans advocates to end abuse of girls and women while Bisdak Pride, is an LGBT group that advocates for the prevention of HIV and AIDS, as well as LGBT rights.

This innovative approach involve audio materials containing messages on gender-based violence, information about COVID-19, child labour trafficking, children’s rights, online sexual exploitation, and prevention of drug abuse. 

Since these are pre-recorded audio materials, everyone’s safety is guaranteed since there is no physical contact. While everyone is staying in their respective homes and most are idle, they are more available more than ever to hear relevant information about their community. The horn loudspeaker or “trumpa” is placed on top of a vehicle stationed in one corner of a community where families are situated. This is the intention to bring awareness on emerging societal issues. The audio dramas were translated into the local dialect and fit situations in which people may identify and relate to.

Each day, after the dramas are aired, a question and answer session is held to assess the learning of the listeners. Drop boxes are placed in every corner of the community while others cast their answers through text. Families who get high scores are given prizes such as a set of surgical face masks, digital thermometer, a mental health brochure, foldable fan with messages, eco bag with messages, coloring materials, and books for children, and a stress ball.

“We’re very thankful to Bidlisiw for conducting these in our community because it provided us with information about Online Sexual Exploitation of Children. The care packs were helpful to us especially in this time of the pandemic”, said a member of one of the families who won the prize. 

These audio dramas were so successful that community members would like to continue to air them. “This strategy is very good and effective. We would like to ask for copies of the audio materials used. We plan to play the audio recordings again” said a community leader from Lapulapu City.

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