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Humanitarian action for Ukraine (Giro 555)

On February 24, 2022, the situation in Ukraine escalated. Millions of Ukrainians have now fled their homes. Many of them have even left their country. When your life is literally in ruins, a helping hand is more valuable than ever. That is why we are ready with your gift for Giro555 for the people affected by the violence in Ukraine. We provide support to refugees in countries such as Moldova, Romania and Poland.

Credits: Save the Children Romenia
Oekrainse families vluchten de grens over


The hostilities between the Russian army and Ukraine have displaced 8 million people in Ukraine and six million flee across the border to neighboring countries and Western Europe. Violence between separatists and the Ukrainian army has been ongoing in eastern Ukraine since 2014, leaving tens of thousands of people displaced.

Terre des Hommes is working through four partner organizations to offer help to the refugees. We focus on Child Protection.


Our approach and collaboration includes:

Terre des Hommes Italy
CNPAC and War Child
Child Helpline International
Local organizations

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