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Regional Profile 2021 - Africa

For over 50 years, Terre des Hommes Netherlands has worked in Africa, both in structural aid and in humanitarian assistance. Providing emergency support in humanitarian crises such as drought, famine and disease outbreaks all over the continent, our development work has most recently concentrated on Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania and Uganda. A total of 28 projects have been implemented between 2018 and 2020.

Children Bill 1
Children Bill 1

The regional profile provides a detailed overview of our work in the region. In a nutshell: our programmatic focus, achievements and results, impact, donors and partnerships. To research and expose the hidden forms of child exploitation, 

We will continue to work with partners including grassroot organisations, national and regional multi-stakeholder initiatives, legislators, leaders at multi-sectoral level, parents and children to systemically and structurally design workable solutions and empower stakeholders to find lasting solutions towards stopping child exploitation.

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