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3 million Euro for food crisis Madagascar

January 11th, 2022

Five Dutch aid organizations have started emergency assistance in the severely drought-stricken south of Madagascar. After four consecutive years without significant rainfall, more than 1.1 million people need food assistance. The emergency aid consists of providing food parcels, supplementary food, distribution of cash and water sanitation.

Weighing a bag of mica in southern Madagascar in 2019. Famine is striking in this area. Photo Jan-Joseph Stok/Terre des Hommes
Weighing a bag of mica in southern Madagascar in 2019. Famine is striking in this area. Photo Jan-Joseph Stok/Terre des Hommes

No significant rains in the last four years

This humanitarian action is organized by the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA), in which the NGOs Save the Children, SOS Kinderdorpen, Tearfund, Terre des Hommes and ZOA participate. The planned emergency aid started in the beginnin of this year and is made possible by a contribution of 3 million Euro from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

Madagascar is facing its most severe drought in 40 years. The ongoing drought, accompanied by sandstorms and locust infestations, is attributed to climate change. Water sources have dried up due to the persistent heat, agriculture is no longer possible and livestock are dying. In the heart of the southern disaster zone, in the Androy region, nearly 30,000 people are suffering from acute famine, the most severe category of food insecurity (source World Food Program). 

The disaster situation is causing children to drop out of school and an increase in child labor. 

Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA)

The DRA is an alliance of 14 Dutch NGOs working closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and local partner organizations to respond to humanitarian crises. 

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