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New Managing Director Terre des Hommes: "The urgency is high. All over the world, children are being exploited"

December 15th, 2022

It is with pride and pleasure that we, the Supervisory Board of Terre des Hommes Netherlands, welcome Julie Verhaar as Managing Director. From the 1st of January 2023, she will succeed interim director Tjipke Bergsma, who led the organization for the past year.

Julie Verhaar, the new Managing Director of Terre des Hommes Netherlands as of January 2023.
Julie Verhaar, the new Managing Director of Terre des Hommes Netherlands as of January 2023.

Terre des Hommes is committed to long-term change

Verhaar: “I am very much looking forward to contributing to the mission of Terre des Hommes Netherlands; preventing and combating child exploitation and giving children a voice. The urgency is high. All over the world, children are being exploited. Terre des Hommes is committed to long-term change in partnership with local communities. Every child has the right to a future in which they can develop safely. I want to commit to that.”

Strategic leadership

Verhaar worked for many years in various positions in the INGO sector at organizations such as UNICEF and the Netherlands Red Cross, in the fields of humanitarian aid, development aid and human rights. Most recently, she worked as acting secretary-general of Amnesty International, providing strategic leadership for this global organization. Verhaar directed regional offices and various departments of the international secretariat in the areas of research, strategy development, marketing, communications, fundraising and partnerships.

"Experienced leader with an (inter)national network"

Chair of the Supervisory Board Marianne Verhaar (no relation) congratulates Verhaar: "We are delighted to have appointed Julie as the new Managing Director. It’s a perfect match with Terre des Hommes. Julie is an experienced leader with a large (inter)national network, she is capable of convincingly shaping the long-term strategy for Terre des Hommes together with the staff. We look forward to her arrival and wish her every success. At the same time, we would like to sincerely thank Tjipke Bergsma for his endless commitment, energetic and creative way in the past year - together with the organization - to prepare Terre des Hommes for the future."

Terre des Hommes will focus even more on its role of expertise

In the coming years, Terre des Hommes will focus even more on its role of expertise in the field of impactful, sustainable elimination of child exploitation, with children's voices at the centre. Bergsma: "Julie was chosen as the new director after an extensive and transparent internal and external recruitment process. She enters the organization at a crucial time, and it is with great confidence that I hand the baton over to her."

Julie Verhaar currently lives in Geneva with her husband and together they are looking forward to moving back to The Netherlands.

For more information, please contact Kari Ingeborg Postma, Team Lead Communications, k.postma@tdh.nl, 06-44484666.

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