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Terre des Hommes awarded for keeping children safe

May 21st, 2020

We are happy to announce that the Terre Des Hommes International Federation, a Full Member of the Keeping Children Safe (KCS) network, has been successfully re-certified to Level 1! This means we have effective safeguarding measures in place across all our operations and member organisations (including Terre des Hommes Netherlands), according to leading international Child Safeguarding Standards.

Young girl looking up
Terre des Hommes awarded for keeping children safe

Child safe organisation

As a child-centred organisation, child safeguarding is key for Terre des Hommes Netherlands. It refers to our internal measures - policies, procedures and practices - that are deployed to ensure that we as an organisation are a child safe organisation. Terre des Hommes Netherlands strongly prioritises child safeguarding to ensure that no harm is done to any child by our and our partners’ staff, volunteers or those associated with us such as consultants and journalists.

"The Terre des Hommes International Federation recently obtained a Keeping Children Safe Level 1 recertification, three years after having obtained certification for the first time. The process included the review of the standards, policies and practices of the seven full members of our network, active around the world to empower and protect children and young people, with headquarters in five European countries.

 As an organisation rooted in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the safety of children and the principle of “do no harm” is instrumental to our work. As a federated organisation, approaches to safeguarding among our diverse membership may however differ from one member to the next. 

By working together to renew our Level 1 certification with Keeping Children Safe, we strengthened our collective capacity and expertise, and aligned existing practices. Keeping Children Safe’s recommendations will continue to guide us towards overcoming possible weaknesses in our safeguarding system. We appreciate the support and guidance of Keeping Children Safe, and will publicise the level one recertification award [...]." - Delphine Moralis, Secretary General - Terre des Hommes International Federation

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